I recommend to not travel unnecessarily, and to avoid places that are harbingers of disease. Please be considerate to your fellow humans. It is also an attempt to try to reduce transmission to those who can't afford to get this virus. The reality is that the recommendation to create "social distancing" is not because of the virulence of COVID-19 as much as it is to attempt to not overwhelm the already stressed system. If you think that you are healthy and don't seem to care if you get the virus or not, good for you for your confidence, but stay home anyway. What does this mean to you? It depends.If you are someone who can't afford to get ill, stay home. Yakima County has 2 confirmed cases as of this morning. For high school online-only, schedules will remain the same.ĬOVID-19 Update: It's here! In case any of you are still doubting. Start and end times remain the same, and bus routes and times remain the same. They must continue to wear masks, social distance, and provide their attestation form. At this time, students must continue to be spaced 6 feet apart until given approval by the health organizations to move to 3 feet. Starting Monday, April 19, Sunnyside High School will bring students for in-person learning five (5) days a week and will continue in their current model. Middle school online-only students will be contacted by their schools regarding their schedules.

Start and end times for the school day remain the same, and bus routes and times will remain the same. They will still be required to wear masks, maintain social distancing of 3 feet and provide their attestation forms. They will continue to move between classes as they are doing now. Starting April 26, in-person middle school students will attend school five (5) days a week. For elementary online-only students, the school day will look similar to their current day. They will still be required to wear masks, maintain social distancing of 3 feet, and provide their attestation forms. Starting April 26, in-person students will attend school five (5) days a week. Please know there will be some shifting of staff and resources to accommodate the increase in days students will be attending school, so be watching for additional information in the coming days. We are very excited for this next step that brings us closer to returning all students to in-person learning. This change is possible because of new social distancing guidance from the CDC and the Washington State Department of Health. The Sunnyside School District Board of Directors voted to increase in-person learning to five (5) days a week starting on April 19 for Sunnyside High School, and April 26 for our elementary and middle schools. We can no longer put our children last on our list of priorities. I fully support this decision and congratulate all parties involved in making this happen. I support wise and informed decisions for each individual to make their own decisions regarding their health, but I cannot sign medical exemptions for the vaccine, because there are virtually none. I, like my colleagues who work in emergency departments and ICU's across the nation see the harmful effects of COVID-19 in patients who could have avoided these effects if only they had been vaccinated. I recommend vaccinating virtually all people ages 12 and above and have personally cared for many patients who might have avoided severe symptoms had they been vaccinated. I do not find legitimate evidence to support the many wild ideas regarding these vaccines. I am very much in favor particularly of the mRNA technology used in several vaccines. I am vaccinated as is my wife and 4 of my 6 children. I do however encourage everyone to consider getting vaccinated for SARs-CoV-2. While I do NOT endorse state or federal mandates on much of anything, my hands are currently tied for legitimate medical exemptions for the vaccine. My staff and I have been approached by hundreds of patients and friends regarding medical exemptions for the Washington state mandated vaccines for healthcare workers and teachers. Weaver regarding medical exemptions for the Covid vaccine.